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My Projects.

I have worked on a variety of projects, ranging from web development to mobile development.

Redux Stockify

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This project aims to create a comprehensive stock management application using powerful technologies such as React, React Router, React Custom Hooks, MUI Based Components, as well as tools like Axios, Formik, Yup, and Redux Persist.

Nextflix App

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In this project, I built a Netflix clone using Next.js, TypeScript, React, and Tailwind CSS.

Movie App

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In this project I'm using React, React Router, Firebase, and The Movie Database API. I'm also using React Hooks, React Context API & Firebase Authentication to build this project.

Fashion App

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In this project I built a Fashion App using Flutter, Dart. I also use Context for Theme Management.

Recipe App

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In this project I'm using Flutter, Dart. I'm also Modals, and Hero Animations to build this project


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In this project I built a Todo App using Flutter, Dart, and Hive. I also used Riverpod for state management. It is my first project published on Google Play Store.

Reddit Clone

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In this project I built a Reddit clone using Flutter, Dart, and Firebase. I also used Flutter Riverpod for state management.

News App

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In this project I built a News App using Flutter, Dart, and News API. I also used Query for Search Functionality.
